
We Use Seeding To Multiply Your
Organic Reach

Organic reach is a key factor in the revenue of almost any website. Seeding generates relevant traffic, rankings, and reputation by referencing your content from influencers, organisations, and authority media.

suxeedo is a seeding agency in Germany that has been running since 2011. In our experience, content rarely reaches its intended target group. Reasons for poor reach are usually the result of a lack of seeding skills combined with content that is difficult to distribute.

We have experience in over 300 campaigns for reputable companies such as Zalando, the Otto Group, and the Scout Group. We ensure that the generation of links comply with Google guidelines and promise a high level of user engagement.

For more information on seeding, reach us on +49 (0) 30 60 968 89 61 or by email

IPad mit einer Map als Seeding-Piece

In seeding, suxeedo is unmatched! We've run over 300 campaigns across the DACH region, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, France, Benelux, and Scandinavia.

Charleen Tesch

Senior Content and Seeding Manager at suxeedo

suxeedo Seeding Managerin Charleen Tesch

Our Services

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Our content is guaranteed to achieve success through seeding. We create content that will increase the reach and visibility of your company through publications, links and mentions in relevant media.

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Performance-based Seeding

Our seeding team ensures a proactive distribution of your content. We only get paid if the content is successfully placed and linked on high-quality target pages.

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Seeding Output

We make sure that the campaign not only generates high-quality backlinks for off-page SEO, but also creates PR effects and increases traffic, thus creating positive radiance for the brand.

Fionn Kientzler

Fionn Kientzler

Managing Partner

+49 (0) 30 60 986 89 61

Stay in Touch

We'll get in touch within 24 hours to schedule a personalized initial consultation.

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